
The original aim of the blog was to promote discussion about all and any facet of progressive rock but from time to time, bands and musicians contact ProgBlog with new prog-related material that they want to expose to a wider audience; ProgBlog's album of 2017 An Invitation by Amber Foil was one such approach.
The range of styles ProgBlog has been exposed to through this route has helped to expand and challenge my listening habits but time constraints have meant that not all submissions have received the attention that they deserve.
The DISCovery section has been introduced to better serve the requirements of musicians who contact ProgBlog with the aim of increasing the audience for their music; without music there can be no discussion of music.

photo credits: EP cover by Justin Hamilton (, taken from his Pexels page; Eleison Braiden by herself; David Espinar by himself; Abraham Linares & Alba Berbejo by Raúl Lupiañez; Dante Martin by Daniel Diaz.
SomeWhereOut is a solo project from Málaga-based Raúl Lupiañez which incorporates a range of allied genres: post-rock, metal, progressive rock and djent.
Released in November this year, the Eternity Infinity EP was inspired by the conceptual classic albums of Mike Oldfield and The Alan Parsons Project, and based on the novels and stories of science fiction writer Isaac Asimov: Over This Vault (based on Caves Of Steel); My Choice (Bicentennial Man); White Sun, Black Sky (Stranger in Paradise); New Beginning (Founding Father); Eternity (based on The End of Eternity.) The instrumental Eternity is linked to the forthcoming Infinity.
All the music was written, played and arranged by Lupiañez and the recording supplemented by a range of different vocalists and guest musicians on each song.