Reviews II
This page includes a number of reviews retrieved from old blogs, edited to remove temporal context to fulfil the requirements of the Progarchives site where many have also been posted under my forum name Agnenrecords
Unlike the blogs, these have not been sorted by date, so please feel free to imagine yourself in a bookshop or record shop, and browse
Book review: Steve Howe – All My Yesterdays (2020)
Album review: Refugee - Refugee (1974)
Album review: Una Stagione All'Inferno - Il Mostro di Firenze (2018)
Album review: Rick Wakeman & The English Rock Ensemble - The Red Planet (2020)
Album review: Il Cerchio d'Oro - Il Fuoco Sotto la Cenere (2017)
Album review: Christadoro - Christadoro (2017)
Album review: Frozen Factory - Planted Feet (2020)
Album review: Panther & C. - Il Giusto Equilibrio (2017)
Album Review: ESP - Invisible Din (2016); ESP 2.0 - 22 Layers of Sunlight (2018)
Album Review: Yak - Quest for the Stones (2015)
Album Review: Hovercraft - Fall (2020)
Book review: Marc Weingarten & Tyson Cornell (eds.) - Yes is the Answer and other prog rock tales (2013)
EP Review: Archaeologist - Vol II (2020)
Album Review: ESP Project - Phenomena (2020)
Album Review: Hollowscene - Hollowscene (2018)
Album Review: Ayreon - Transitus (2020)
Album Review: Pink Floyd - The Endless River (2014)
Album Review: MUFFX - L'Ora di Tutti (2017)
Album Review: Samplehound - 100 Yards (2020)
Album Review: Moody Blues - Days of Future Passed (1967)
Album review: La Morte Viene Dallo Spazio - Sky Over Giza (2019)
Album review: Rick Wakeman - White Rock (1977)
EP review: The Last Cell - Veter (2020)
Album review: Yes - Tales from Topographic Oceans (1973)
Album review: Roman Spektor – Functionality (2020)
Album review: La Maschera di Cera - Il Grande Labirinto (2003)
Album review: Il Tempio delle Clessidre - Il Ludere (2017)
Exhibition review: Pink Floyd: Their Mortal Remains (V&A, May - October 2017)
Album review: Melting Clock - Destinazioni (2019)
Book review: Jerry Lucky - 20th Century Rock and Roll: Progressive Rock (2000)
Go to Reviews IV